one day in venice, italy

Italy was the final stop on our tour of Europe. I think when I got to Italy I was immediately sad because I knew we were so close to everything being over. However the ample amount of gelato we ate really helped me to overcome my sadness. We stayed the remainder of our time in Milan, Italy. Our hotel had no wifi and glass block with dark green lights peering through. The interior was filled with wood everywhere and free sparkling water. Yes free water! I didn't take my camera out much of our time in Milan itself and I really don't understand why not. I don't have any photos of the beautiful cathedrals or the pizza donut we ate and that is not okay. But nevertheless it was really beautiful and lacked free bathrooms.
I however did take about a million photos when we took a day trip to Venice. We left early in the morning via train and arrived at the magical place. We had gelato for breakfast and walked around aimlessly for hours exploring every nook and cranny. Looking at all the stores and taking in every bit of it. We enjoyed a lunch right at the waters edge at the yummiest most authentic Italian restaurant. My friends indulged in pizza and lots of balsamic vinegar while I chose the gnocchi with mushrooms and a cream sauce. I can't talk anymore about the brilliance of that meal. Actual happiness. We had Gelato a few more times and then finally decided to splurge on a Gondola ride. Best choice. We saw the city in a completely different way and I fell even more in love with the endless cobblestone bridges and clothes pinned on lines hanging across the water. I also completely remember it not being smelly whatsoever. It smelled more like fresh mozzarella and heaven. The whole group met up at a giant staircase that leads to the train and it was like a family being reunited. Every single person was just so awesome and again sadness cause we were leavings soon. We left feeling tired in the legs but so pleased with a perfect day.
However the day doesn't end there. One of the funniest moments of our whole trip happened on our way back to Milan and eventually to our hotel. Once we were settled on our train back to Milan we noticed we just were not going anywhere and found out that there was some problems with the train tracks ahead. We were then told we would be delayed for several hours. When we arrived back to Milan it was late and we were several miles from our neon green hotel. One of our leaders figured we could still take the public transit back home, but little did he know they closed before we arrived and we were basically stuck miles away in a foreign country in the middle of the night. My leader once realizing this called out to the other leader. In the saddest and almost terrified voice he yelled out DARRYL. I don't know if it was the time of the night or if we were completely delirious and exhausted but it was one of the funniest things that has happened in my life and Taylor, Brittany, and I can still cry laughing over the scream and facial expression. I digress though, we eventually found out that with a few mile walk and then a hop on a bus we could make it back. All 35 of us were probably never happier to see our hotel and more importantly are beds.